Why choose the Cardiac Vet team?
Dr. Saelinger and the Cardiac Vet team simply love pets, people and keeping their hearts healthy. We offer the utmost convenience by assisting the referring veterinarian with the management of complex cardiac cases with the guidance of a board certified veterinary cardiologist without the need for additional travel. Our mobile echocardiogram service is done at the referring veterinarian’s clinic and the rest of our services through teleconsulting.
We treat every pet like it is our own and make a commitment to always do the right thing for the patient and owner, no matter the time that it takes. Dr. Saelinger’s passion for what she does not only shows in the accuracy of her work, it is also reflected in the results of countless pets with heart disease living longer, high quality lives.
How do I make an appointment for my pet to see the Cardiac Vet team?
If you are a pet owner, please contact your primary care veterinarian to have them schedule a cardiac evaluation in their hospital with us. We are a referral only based service and only schedule through your primary care veterinarian. Your other option is to see Dr. Saelinger directly by scheduling an in person appointment at VCA ASEC.
How do I know my pet needs cardiac evaluation?
Your primary veterinarian may detect heart disease based on physical exam findings such as a heart murmur or an arrhythmia. Clinical signs of heart disease may include difficulty and/or fast breathing when sound asleep. Pets and people naturally conserve energy and will breathe at a very slow rate when sound asleep (low twenties to even teens in terms of breaths per minute). If you observe a rate that is higher than this, it may be a cause for further investigation. If congestive heart failure is present, the body will detect a lack of oxygen in the blood and command the body to breath faster and heavier and it will only escalate. Please see your primary veterinarian or emergency veterinary facility with immediacy if noted. Other signs of cardiac disease may include cough, syncope (fainting), exercise intolerance, abdominal swelling, and/or unexplained panting.
Do you meet directly with Dr. Saelinger?
Dr. Saelinger only meets with pet owners directly at VCA ASEC. To meet her with your pet, please make an appointment by at VCA ASEC.
Dr. Saelinger meets with veterinarians directly via teleconsulting.
What services do you offer?
Teleconsulting services for veterinarians with formal interpretation of echocardiograms, radiographs, ECGs, Holters and event monitors.
Mobile echocardiograms are performed at referring veterinarian’s hospitals.
What are your fees?
**For veterinary clinics only, please contact us for a list of our services and associated fees in regards to teleconsulting and/or echocardiograms and evaluations performed in your hospital.
**For pet owners, please contact your primary veterinarian directly for the costs of cardiac evaluation.
What tests are required prior to Cardiac Vet evaluation?
Prior testing is not required; however, updated thoracic radiographs (especially if a heart murmur is present or respiratory signs are evident) are recommended to be completed with the primary veterinarian. Updated, comprehensive labwork is also encouraged.